Special design Filtration Units for UAE.

For a Gas Development project in the UAE, Eltacon delivered four units suitable for desert application with Oil&Gas standards.
The site in the UAE has an ambient temperature of +48°C, offshore, in a very humid tropical environment.
Because of the extreme environment, the unit was modified to comply with the site requirements.
All gas wetted parts are foreseen with EN10204-3.2 material certificates. All flanges are with RTJ gaskets.
The filtration unit is a 2×100% Coalescer filter system used upstream a Gas Turbine.
No screwed connections are used on the system, with flanged instrument connection manifolds. Parts required for isolation are equipped with double block and bleed facilities, including spectacle blinds.
Piping in Stainless Steel (316/316L dual certified) is coated suitable for the offshore environment, and insulated with additionally coated Stainless Steel cladding.
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