For almost three decades Eltacon Engineering B.V. has designed, manufactured, tested and delivered various types of gas compressor packages for numerous reputable end-users and turbine manufacturers.
We supply gas compressor packages in a wide range of alternative executions, all based on oil-injected twin rotary screw compressors.
Being an independent packager Eltacon selects the best available model and size of compressor using the product range of international recognized manufacturers such as Howden, Grasso and Kobelco.

The choice for this type is based on the better economics and the higher compression ratio of the oil-injected screw compared to oil-free screw compressors.
We have delivered gas compressor packages for power plants up to 200 MW (based on 2 to 4 gas turbines).
The “typical” gas compressor range of Eltacon:
- Gas inlet between 1 bara and 40 bara (15 psia and 600 psia)
- Gas discharge pressures up to 60 bara (900 psia)
- Pressure ratio from a minimum of 1,2 up to approx. 22 (pending nature of gas)
- Minimum “swept” volume approx. 6.000 actual m3/h
- Installed motor power from ≈ 500 up to 3.500 kW
- Capacity control by means of sliding-valve or frequency-convertor (small models)
At Eltacon we categorize our compressors in accordance with the service they are designed for. Based on this we have the following main groups:
Fuel Gas Booster Compressors being:
- Units for Gas Turbines up to 15 MW.
- Units for Gas Turbines up to 120 MW.
We have delivered these fuel gas booster compressors for gas fired power plants up to 200 MW (based on multiple G.T.’s).
Wellhead Compressors
These compressor are used to extend the lifetime of a nearly depleted gas well.
Inlet pressures may vary from 8 bara down to 1,1 bara
Other Gas Booster Compressors
- Vent- of flare-gas compressors
- Associated-gas compressors
- Off-gas compressors
More information about our gas compressors can be downloaded here.
News & Events
Enhancing Gas Turbine Performance in Thailand’s Power Sector
For a power plant in Thailand we delivered three Gas Treatment Stations, complete with monocyclone, coalescer filters and performance heater. Read more »
Special design Filtration Units for UAE.
For a Gas Development project in the UAE, Eltacon delivered four units suitable for desert application with Oil&Gas standards. The Read more »
Thermal power station Compressor unit in Germany
The fuel gas compressor unit will deliver fuel gas to the heat and power gas turbine system for district heating. Read more »
Natural Gas Conditioning Station for Germany
Eltacon engineered and manufactured a natural gas station for installation in Germany, designed and build according to the European regulations. Read more »
Compressor units and treatment systems for decarbonizing power supply in Germany
Eltacon delivered the natural gas compressor units and downstream gas and hydrogen treatment systems to supply the conditioned fuel to Read more »
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