Natural Gas Conditioning Stations for Germany

Eltacon engineered and manufactured three natural gas stations for Germany, designed and build according to the European regulations.
The three natural gas conditioning stations are installed to supply natural gas to gas turbines with HRSG boilers at a powerplant in Germany. The natural gas is filtered, heated, the flow rates are measured and the gas pressure is reduced to the correct pressures for the consumers.
At first the gas is cleaned by a common 2×100% two stage filter/separators, 1st stage a mono-cyclone in the 2nd stage cellulose element. The second step is heating to compensate the cooling of the gas by the Joule Thomson effect during the pressure reduction and to heat up the gas to 70°C to increase the efficiency by using waste heat (hot water). Heating of the natural gas is done in double tube heat exchangers. Double tube means a tube within a tube. By doing so there is a safety barrier between the hot water and the natural gas.
After the heater the gas is divided into two gas streams, one for gas turbine and one for the HRSG boiler. In each stream the gas flow is measured by an ultrasonic flowmeter suitable for custody transfer. To supply the gas at the correct pressures to the HRSG boiler, the pressure is reduced with self- acting pilot operated pressure control valves in a monitor-active arrangement. For safety purpose there is a slam shut valve upstream the regulators complying with EN-12186. The complete natural gas conditioning station for one gas turbine with HRSG is built on one skid frame to reduce the erection and commissioning time at site.
For more information about our gas conditions stations, gas compressor installations and other skid mounted visit our website or contact us via for your question and request for quotations.
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