Fuel Gas Mixing Systems for LNG application in Russia

Eltacon engineered and manufactured two Fuel Gas Mixing Systems (FGMS) for the Vysotsk LNG plant in the Leningrad Region in Russia.
Each FGMS is used for gas treatment upstream a gas turbine. These turbines run on a mixture of three gases. Heavy Hydrocarbons removed during LNG production and Boil-Off Gas from LNG storage are mixed with the Natural Gas supply in order to increase the overall plant efficiency.
The gas flow in each of the three feed lines can be controlled individually with the installed flow and pressure control valves. The quality of the mixed gas is monitored by measuring the Wobbe Index with the skid mounted gas analyser. If required, the mixing ratio will be adjusted.
The mixture passes through a large buffer vessel followed by a two-stage gas filter in 2 x 100% configuration. Lastly the gas is electrically heated to 80 °C before being fed to the turbine to avoid condensation of the mixed gas.
To cope with the Russian climate a weather protective roof is installed and all process piping and vessels are heat traced and insulated. For accessibility several ladders and platforms are included.
The units are completely certified according to the TR CU and are provided with an EAC mark.
For more information about Fuel Gas Mixing Systems or other Gas Treatment systems, please contact us via sales@eltacon.com
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