Gas Treatment System for Kazakhstan.

Eltacon delivered a Gas Treatment System for Kazakhstan, suitable for cold environment and including TR CU certification
For gas treatment upstream two SGT-600’s, Eltacon manufactured complete units with gas filtration, electrical gas heating and pressure reduction with accumulator vessel. The skid based units are suitable for cold environments down to -38°C and are delivered with heat tracing, insulation, heated instrument enclosures as well as a weather protection roof.
The gas is filtered using a dual stage filtration system. After heating the gas to 20°C above the dew point temperature (unit gas outlet temperature coping with the Joule-Thomson effect), the pressure is reduced to a steady 23,5 barg for continuous GT operation.
As for Kazakhstan being part of the Eurasian Custom Union, the units are delivered according the Technical Regulations for the Custom Union (TR CU or EAC).
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